Angelika Książek-Florek
Aplikantka radcowska
Junior Associate
bnt attorneys in CEE and BSJP
00-105 Warszawa
00-105 Warszawa
Junior Associate
Разрешаване на спорове, IP, TECHNOLOGY & DATA
английски, италиански, полски
Sapienza University of Rome, Italy (Economics)
University of Macerata, Italy (Chinese Private Law)
SWPS University in Warsaw, Poland (Postgraduate Studies in LegalTech)
Univeristy of Catania, Italy, Italian and European Law School (in cooperation with the University of Warsaw)
Kozminski University in Warsaw, Poland (M.A. in Law)
Fundacja im. Lesława A. Pagi (Leslaw Paga Foundation) (Alumnus of the Academy of Business Women Leaders)
Women in Law Foundation (Mentee)
Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych w Warszawie (Warsaw Bar Association)