Henning Jensen, Dr. iur.
LV-1010 Riga
Būvniecības tiesības Vācijā (Construction Law in Germany), Jurista Vārds Nr. 44/2016 (947)
Kommunale Daseinsvorsorge im europäischen Wettbewerb der Rechtsordnungen (Public Services and the European Competition between Legal Systems), Mohr Siebeck 2015, edition “Ius Internationale et Europaeum” (reviews: Anna Leisner-Egensperger, ThürVBl. 2016, p. 233-234; Markus Kotzur, DVBl. 2017, p. 36-37; Mathias Knauff, Die Verwaltung 2017, p. 148-151)
Interkommunale Zusammenarbeit als Thema des Vergaberechts, in: George, Wolfgang / Bonow, Martin (ed.), Regionales Zukunftsmanagement – vol. 4: Kommunale Kooperation, Lengerich/Berlin 2010, p. 115-119
Review of BVerfG, 1 BvR 2395/09 (Verfassungsmäßigkeit des Wegfalls der aufschiebenden Wirkung im SGB II), in: NJ 2010, p. 81-82
Das “Konnexitätsprinzip” in Art. 137 Abs. 6 der Hessischen Verfassung, in: LKRZ 2009, p. 81-86
BIDs – Eine public-private-Partnership auf dem verfassungsrechtlichen Prüfstand, in: NordÖR 2009, p. 191-198 (together with Denise A. Bauer).
University of Giessen, Germany (1st state exam, Magister Juris Internationalis – MJI)
University of Brest, France
University of Hamburg, Germany (Dr. iur.)
Hanseatic Higher Regional Court (OLG) Hamburg, Germany (2nd state exam)
Scholar of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
Honorary Representative of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg in Latvia
Hanseatic Bar Association Hamburg (Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer), Germany
Latvian Bar Association
AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers)
German-Nordic Lawyers’ Association (Deutsch-Nordische Juristenvereinigung e.V.)
03.08.2021 |
New rental law in Latvia to renew the relationship between tenants and landlords
New rental law in Latvia to renew the relationship between tenants and landlords
15.03.2021 |
Changes in Latvian Labour Law to enhance posted workers’ rights
Changes in Latvian Labour Law to enhance posted workers’ rights
09.12.2020 |
State aids for companies in Latvia hit by Covid-19
State aids for companies in Latvia hit by Covid-19
15.09.2020 |
EU mobility package stirs up Latvian transport sector
EU mobility package stirs up Latvian transport sector
24.08.2020 |
Support for exporting companies in Latvia
Support for exporting companies in Latvia
30.06.2020 |
New hope for foreign land investors in Latvia
New hope for foreign land investors in Latvia
16.09.2019 |
Latvia: Legislator puts brakes on “fast loans”
Latvia: Legislator puts brakes on “fast loans”
09.07.2019 |
Continuing Latvian saga of the fight against money laundering
Continuing Latvian saga of the fight against money laundering
13.06.2019 |
Changes in Real Estate law: higher lease fees, but no more cash transactions
Changes in Real Estate law: higher lease fees, but no more cash transactions
15.01.2018 |
Intense business activities in Liepajas special economic zone
Intense business activities in Liepajas special economic zone
15.01.2018 |
Financing needed for start-up: supplier to furniture manufacturers
Financing needed for start-up: supplier to furniture manufacturers
31.08.2017 |
Far-reaching tax reform in Latvia
Far-reaching tax reform in Latvia
10.07.2017 |
Agriculture: New regulations on acquisition of real estate by foreigners
Agriculture: New regulations on acquisition of real estate by foreigners
06.01.2017 |
Renovation of Kemeri sanatorium
Renovation of Kemeri sanatorium
11.11.2016 |
Major reform in EU customs law
Major reform in EU customs law
11.07.2016 |
Rules for temporary residence permits for investors amended
Rules for temporary residence permits for investors amended
15.10.2015 |
bnt seminar Meet the Experts: Doing business in Germany – legal aspects
bnt seminar Meet the Experts: Doing business in Germany – legal aspects
28.08.2015 |
Stricter rules to be applied on separate ownership of buildings and land
Stricter rules to be applied on separate ownership of buildings and land